T&S Brand Film
(personal work)
Style Frames + R&D
T&S 的主要职能之一是信息安全以及信息合规,过滤、筛选、不安全的信息。
One of the major responsbility for T&S is information safety and compliance. Filtering and screening unsafe informations.
镭射布料材质是基于 Redshift OSL 材质球,
在OSL材质里编译 ThinFilmInterference 连接到 sheen color
镭射也可以直接通过 Redshift standard 材质中的 ThinFilm 直接实现,
但是效果的丰富度和可定制度不如 OSL 的方式。
在OSL材质里编译 ThinFilmInterference 连接到 sheen color
镭射也可以直接通过 Redshift standard 材质中的 ThinFilm 直接实现,
但是效果的丰富度和可定制度不如 OSL 的方式。
The laser fabric shader was built on Redshift OSL shader.
Compile ThinFilmInterference in OSL and connect it to sheen color.
Laser shader also can be done by using ThinFilm in RS standard mat directly,
but OSL method has more customized options.
Compile ThinFilmInterference in OSL and connect it to sheen color.
Laser shader also can be done by using ThinFilm in RS standard mat directly,
but OSL method has more customized options.
T&S 同样关注世界文化交流,信息本土化,激发社区的活力和创造力。
T&S also focus on culture communication globally, localization and enspiring vitality and creativity of the community.
T&S 致力于幕后工作,做一个思考者,在网络社区与现实世界架设安全的桥梁,建立信任。
T&S is committed to be a thinker behind the scenes. Building a safe bridge and trust between the internet community and the real world.